Competent Institution in occupational safety.


Since 2004, we provide services in occupational safety.

Our competence in occupational safety is approved by:
  • ISO 9001:2015 certificate and
  • Letter from the Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia on obtaining the status of a competent institution.

Areas in which occupational safety projects have been implemented:
  • Food production companies;
  • Shop and warehouse networks;
  • Woodworking;
  • Pharmacy networks;
  • Construction;
  • Peat extraction;
  • The field of beauty care
  • Metalworking;
  • Educational institutions;
  • Banking;
  • State and local government institutions, other sectors;
  • 6KI project.

Facts that confirm the customers trust us
  • loyal customers who repeatedly return to us;
  • number of companies that have been our customers for 5 years and more.
 Our activity is based on:
  • experienced specialists;
  • quick and responsive response;
  • clear explanation of legislative requirements to the client;
  • development of documents that meet legislative requirements.